Saturday, October 12, 2013

CANVAS & CLAY ~ Promo photo

Canvas & Clay art group needed a new promo shot. We decided to go casual. Our show is called Art in The Barn. We actually dress real spiffy for the opening reception. LtoR : Jan Bateman, Marsha McDonald, Dr. Leea Arnold and Mary Hicks.
We're a little far back—after all the show is about us and our work. Not the landscape.We'll crop in a tad.

Hmmm, Closer up. Easier to find fault. Maybe a different shot?

 Dr. Arnold doesn't have her signature smile and Marsha's elbow is nudging me out of the picture. Well, one more?

Come on girls, get serious! The pizza's waiting!

This will have to do! Problem is, this art group has too much fun ANYTIME they get together!
We have a great show every year—standing room only. Our guests seem to enjoy the show as much as we do. Anyone interested can email for more information and directions.


  1. I know those ladies!! Fun pix. Looking forward to the show ... it won't be long now, will it? Are you ready??

  2. True, we do have a good time, don't we? And, particularly at the annual art show. LOL!!
